Bobst India talks about its fantastic year

Bobst stand at IndiaCorr Expo 2022 Photo Bobst
Bobst stand at IndiaCorr Expo 2022 Photo Bobst

At the IndiaCorr Expo exhibition at Greater Noida, Bobst India'south zonal business director Venugopal Menon, related to us that the company has done well in the past couple of years despite the pandemic and the lockdowns. Acknowledging the resilience and long-term growth and evolution of the Indian packaging industry, he revealed that Bobst India employs 400 personnel within the state. And that its establish in Pune manufactures a sizable number of the folder-gluers it sells effectually the world every bit well as components for other equipment that the visitor manufactures in its plants globally.

The Bobst India team at IndiaCorr Expo 2022 in Greater Noida. Venugopal Menon is second from left. Photo Bobst
The Bobst India team at IndiaCorr Expo 2022 in Greater Noida. Venugopal Menon is second from left. Photograph Bobst

Speaking specifically about the Corrugated Expo and the corrugated industry, he said that the corrugated industry has evolved significantly over the past decade, a growth that he expects to continue and this is exciting for Bobst India. "Bobst is renowned for supplying press and converting equipment for the corrugated industry, and this industry has evolved drastically in the last vii to eight years. People are looking for more productive machines, and this is where Bobst has a function to play. We are into flexo folder gluers which are mainly the converting lines for corrugated boxes, we as well manufacture flatbed dice-cutters and folder gluers again for the corrugated lath industry."

Explaining the robust demand for corrugated boxes during the pandemic, Menon said that the volumes are here to stay and at that place is a bright future although there may be challenges from fourth dimension to time such as raw material prices. "At this exhibition, nosotros are showcasing some of the corrugated box samples which our customers are producing. I am glad to say that by this fourth dimension, we have sold more than 30 flexo folder gluer lines in India which is a fantastic success for us. This is the industry which will evolve further, and I see quite a bit of growth for the corrugated board industry in India."

Menon was pleased with the turnout and the overall excitement of the industry'southward return to business organization. He said, "This time, at IndiaCorr Expo, we are very excited to meet our customers, and I thought that many people might non turn up considering of Covid-19, but I am surprised to see such a decent footfall on the get-go mean solar day. I feel people wanted to go out and come across suppliers, in fact, and to meet up with their business assembly. It seems that the industry was also looking just to come out to showcase itself after a long gap. It'south great to take an expo finally happening, and I hope things plough out well for the manufacture."

Corrugated board and box samples Photo Bobst
Corrugated lath and box samples Photo Bobst

"A practiced lesson – The best will survive"

Menon concluded our conversation with a message to the corrugation and packaging manufacture, "Today the time has come that people have to really look at their efficiency and productivity, and this is why how you are organized is going to be very of import. This is because Covid-19 has shown people that you have to exist more active, proactive, and very responsive to the changes. I think many people have learned and got quite a good lesson during the pandemic. Lastly, I will but say that 'the best volition survive' – it means organizations that are more than cash flow positive, efficient, and very conscious about quality and service will outshine the others in the time to come."

The image and captions of this article have been corrected on 22 Nov 2022 as an earlier epitome was mistakenly used in the earlier version. The error is regretted – Editor

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