Easy Handling Discrete Time Markov Chains
Documentation for package 'markovchain' version 0.9.0
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A B C D E F G H I K M N O P R S T V Z misc
markovchain-package | Easy Handling Discrete Time Markov Chains |
-- A --
absorbingStates | Various function to perform structural analysis of DTMC |
absorbingStates-method | Markov Chain class |
absorptionProbabilities | Absorption probabilities |
absorptionProbabilities-method | Markov Chain class |
assessOrder | Various functions to perform statistical inference of DTMC |
assessStationarity | Various functions to perform statistical inference of DTMC |
-- B --
blanden | Mobility between income quartiles |
-- C --
canonicForm | Various function to perform structural analysis of DTMC |
canonicForm-method | Markov Chain class |
coerce-method | Markov Chain class |
committorAB | Calculates committor of a markovchain object with respect to set A, B |
communicatingClasses | Various function to perform structural analysis of DTMC |
communicatingClasses-method | Markov Chain class |
conditionalDistribution | 'conditionalDistribution' of a Markov Chain |
conditionalDistribution-method | Markov Chain class |
craigsendi | CD4 cells counts on HIV Infects between zero and six month |
createSequenceMatrix | Function to fit a discrete Markov chain |
ctmc-class | Continuous time Markov Chains class |
ctmcFit | Function to fit a CTMC |
-- D --
dim-method | Continuous time Markov Chains class |
dim-method | Markov Chain class |
dim-method | Non homogeneus discrete time Markov Chains class |
-- E --
expectedRewards | Expected Rewards for a markovchain |
expectedRewardsBeforeHittingA | Expected first passage Rewards for a set of states in a markovchain |
ExpectedTime | Returns expected hitting time from state i to state j |
-- F --
firstPassage | First passage across states |
firstPassageMultiple | function to calculate first passage probabilities |
fitHigherOrder | Functions to fit a higher order Markov chain |
fitHighOrderMultivarMC | Function to fit Higher Order Multivariate Markov chain |
freq2Generator | Returns a generator matrix corresponding to frequency matrix |
-- G --
generatorToTransitionMatrix | Function to obtain the transition matrix from the generator |
-- H --
HigherOrderMarkovChain-class | Higher order Markov Chains class |
hittingProbabilities | Hitting probabilities for markovchain |
hittingProbabilities-method | Markov Chain class |
holson | Holson data set |
hommc | An S4 class for representing High Order Multivariate Markovchain (HOMMC) |
hommc-class | An S4 class for representing High Order Multivariate Markovchain (HOMMC) |
-- I --
ictmc | An S4 class for representing Imprecise Continuous Time Markovchains |
ictmc-class | An S4 class for representing Imprecise Continuous Time Markovchains |
impreciseProbabilityatT | Calculating full conditional probability using lower rate transition matrix |
inferHyperparam | Function to infer the hyperparameters for Bayesian inference from an a priori matrix or a data set |
initialize,ctmc_method | Continuous time Markov Chains class |
initialize-method | Markov Chain class |
is.accessible | Verify if a state j is reachable from state i. |
is.accessible-method | Markov Chain class |
is.CTMCirreducible | Check if CTMC is irreducible |
is.irreducible | Function to check if a Markov chain is irreducible (i.e. ergodic) |
is.irreducible-method | Markov Chain class |
is.regular | Check if a DTMC is regular |
is.regular-method | Markov Chain class |
is.TimeReversible | checks if ctmc object is time reversible |
-- K --
kullback | Example from Kullback and Kupperman Tests for Contingency Tables |
-- M --
markovchain-class | Markov Chain class |
markovchainFit | Function to fit a discrete Markov chain |
markovchainList-class | Non homogeneus discrete time Markov Chains class |
markovchainListFit | markovchainListFit |
markovchainSequence | Function to generate a sequence of states from homogeneous Markov chains. |
meanAbsorptionTime | Mean absorption time |
meanAbsorptionTime-method | Markov Chain class |
meanFirstPassageTime | Mean First Passage Time for irreducible Markov chains |
meanFirstPassageTime-method | Markov Chain class |
meanNumVisits | Mean num of visits for markovchain, starting at each state |
meanNumVisits-method | Markov Chain class |
meanRecurrenceTime | Mean recurrence time |
meanRecurrenceTime-method | Markov Chain class |
multinomialConfidenceIntervals | A function to compute multinomial confidence intervals of DTMC |
-- N --
name | Method to retrieve name of markovchain object |
name-method | Method to retrieve name of markovchain object |
name<- | Method to set name of markovchain object |
name<--method | Method to set name of markovchain object |
names-method | Returns the states for a Markov chain object |
names<--method | Markov Chain class |
noofVisitsDist | return a joint pdf of the number of visits to the various states of the DTMC |
-- O --
ones | Returns an Identity matrix |
-- P --
period | Various function to perform structural analysis of DTMC |
plot-method | Continuous time Markov Chains class |
plot-method | Markov Chain class |
predict-method | Markov Chain class |
predict-method | Non homogeneus discrete time Markov Chains class |
predictHommc | Simulate a higher order multivariate markovchain |
predictiveDistribution | predictiveDistribution |
preproglucacon | Preprogluccacon DNA protein bases sequences |
print-method | Markov Chain class |
print-method | Non homogeneus discrete time Markov Chains class |
priorDistribution | priorDistribution |
probabilityatT | Calculating probability from a ctmc object |
-- R --
rain | Alofi island daily rainfall |
rctmc | rctmc |
recurrentClasses | Various function to perform structural analysis of DTMC |
recurrentClasses-method | Markov Chain class |
recurrentStates | Various function to perform structural analysis of DTMC |
recurrentStates-method | Markov Chain class |
rmarkovchain | Function to generate a sequence of states from homogeneous or non-homogeneous Markov chains. |
-- S --
sales | Sales Demand Sequences |
seq2freqProb | Functions to fit a higher order Markov chain |
seq2matHigh | Functions to fit a higher order Markov chain |
show-method | Function to display the details of hommc object |
show-method | Markov Chain class |
show-method | Non homogeneus discrete time Markov Chains class |
sort-method | Markov Chain class |
states | Defined states of a transition matrix |
states-method | Continuous time Markov Chains class |
states-method | Defined states of a transition matrix |
steadyStates | Stationary states of a 'markovchain' object |
steadyStates-method | Continuous time Markov Chains class |
steadyStates-method | Markov Chain class |
summary-method | Markov Chain class |
-- T --
t-method | Markov Chain class |
tm_abs | Single Year Corporate Credit Rating Transititions |
transientClasses | Various function to perform structural analysis of DTMC |
transientClasses-method | Markov Chain class |
transientStates | Various function to perform structural analysis of DTMC |
transientStates-method | Markov Chain class |
transition2Generator | Return the generator matrix for a corresponding transition matrix |
transitionProbability | Function to get the transition probabilities from initial to subsequent states. |
transitionProbability-method | Function to get the transition probabilities from initial to subsequent states. |
-- V --
verifyEmpiricalToTheoretical | Various functions to perform statistical inference of DTMC |
verifyHomogeneity | Various functions to perform statistical inference of DTMC |
verifyMarkovProperty | Various functions to perform statistical inference of DTMC |
-- Z --
zeros | Matrix to create zeros |
-- misc --
!=-method | Markov Chain class |
*-method | Markov Chain class |
==-method | Markov Chain class |
[-method | Markov Chain class |
[[-method | Non homogeneus discrete time Markov Chains class |
^-method | Markov Chain class |
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