Remember the Titans Say It Again
It all came near and was possible through the hard work and sacrifices of these young men and their coaches who worked together proving to everybody that different indigenous groups can mesh unanimously for a atypical ambition.
-Reporter Ben Morris, Alexandria Gazette, 1978
Questioning the Story:
Were all of the Titan players in the movie based on bodily people?
The majority of the Titan players in the flick are based on existent people (see the Titans squad photograph below). Notwithstanding, while researching the Remember the Titans true story, nosotros learned that actor Ryan Gosling'southward character, Alan Bosley, is not a real person. The movie shows Alan giving upwards his spot to Pete (Donald Faison) during a game. This scene was added to emphasize the selflessness of the players. Ray Budds (Burgess Jenkins) is besides a fictionalized character. The moving-picture show depicts a narrow-minded Ray beingness kicked off the team by captain Gerry Bertier. This never actually happened. Former Titan players accept stated that this type of role player would accept been kicked off the team during preparation camp, before the season ever started. -'71 Titans Website
The existent 1971 T.C. Williams High School Titans team photograph. Gerry Bertier is #42 (third row from bottom, middle-correct) and Julius Campbell is #81 (height row of players, middle-left).
In existent life, did Coach Herman Boone integrate the buses before leaving for football military camp?
Yes. This really happened. "I forced them on each other," Herman Boone says. "I forced them to acquire each other's culture. I forced them to exist a part of each other'south lives."
Did the 1971 T.C. Williams Titans really go to camp at Gettysburg College?
Yes. This function of the motion-picture show is true. The squad spent a calendar week at Gettysburg College where they practiced up to three times a day, as depicted in the movie Think the Titans.
Was the racial tension at training camp depicted accurately in the film?
No. Coach Boone, Autobus Yoast, and many players have said that there was tension at camp, merely information technology existed primarily considering of competition for positions on the team. "I wanted to make the team," Ronnie Bass says in an interview. "I think that's where most of the kids' minds were. We were just trying to play football." In a 2000 U.s. Today article, Remember the Titans screenwriter Gregory Allen Howard rejects the electric current position of the players, "Aye, correct," Howard says. "Who wants to say, 'I hated (blackness people)?' Who wants to say, 'I hated white people?' Who wants to say, 'Nosotros hated each other.' "
Did Herman Boone really wake the team upwardly at 3 a.g. and make them run to the Gettysburg Cemetery?
No. This did not happen. The team did tour the battlefields on the Sunday they were at military camp. The guide did most of the talking though, not Herman Boone. This isn't to say that Coach Boone never gave motivational speeches to his team. In fact, he delivered many speeches to inspire them. Often, his speeches were not about the importance of winning, just about the importance of playing your best. -'71 Titans Website
In the movie, Omnibus Boone (Denzel Washington) takes the team on a 3 a.m. run to Gettysburg Cemetery, an event that never happened in real life.
In the moving-picture show, Coach Boone tells his team that 50,000 men died during the Battle of Gettysburg. Is this true?
Non exactly. At that place were approximately 50,000 casualties (killed/wounded/missing) at the Boxing of Gettysburg. The actual number who lost their lives was much lower. -IMDB
Did Gerry Bertier and Julius Campbell become best friends in existent life?
As we looked into the question, "How authentic is Retrieve the Titans?" we discovered that they were friends, but their human relationship was non such a pivotal example of integration similar it is in the movie. Gerry and Julius were friends just like many of the other players were friends. Theirs was not the only new friendship. -'71 Titans Website
Was Gerry Bertier'southward girlfriend Emma (Kate Bosworth) based on a existent person?
No. The character of Emma Hoyt (Kate Bosworth) is purely fictional. She was created to demonstrate some of the negative traits and beliefs instilled in the youth of that time. -'71 Titans Website Kate Bosworth'southward character, Emma Hoyt, is fictional.
Did Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass really osculation Gerry Bertier on the lips?
No. In the picture, Sunshine (Kip Pardue) jokingly kisses Gerry Bertier (Ryan Hurst) on the lips. This did not happen in existent life. The film likewise implies that Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass might peradventure be gay. This is likewise untrue. In fact, similar Ronnie Bass, most of the other players on the team had long hair in 1971, including the real Gerry Bertier. -'71 Titans Website
Was Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass really a long-haired hippie from California?
During our investigation into the Remember the Titans true story, we confirmed that Titan quarterback Ronnie Bass did come up from California, but portraying him as a long-haired hippie is a flake of an exaggeration. "I was never quite like that," Bass told the Greenville (SC) News. "Only that's Hollywood. I'll say for the record my hair was never that long." Also for the record, Ron never did Tai Chi exterior the school.
Did protesters stand up outside of T.C. Williams on the get-go twenty-four hour period of schoolhouse?
Different what is seen in the flick, in that location were no protestors outside of the high schoolhouse on the beginning day. Nearby George Washington Junior High School did take some fights and a stone-throwing incident. -'71 Titans Website
Motorcoach Bill Yoast (portrayed by Will Patton in the moving-picture show) shares his story of working alongside Coach Herman Boone to atomic number 82 the T.C. Williams Titans to the undefeated season chronicled in the picture.
Was the racial tension in the community depicted accurately in the film?
No. Although racial tension did exist in Alexandria, Virginia in 1971, it was significantly embellished for the movie. For example, T.C. Williams High School saw the integration of black and white students when it opened in the autumn of 1965, non in 1971. Old students state that many of the racial barriers had been broken downwardly by 1971, when federal pressure resulted in the consolidation of three high schools, one of which was T.C. Williams. In an interview with the Greenville News, the real Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass said, "They (the movie) had a customs divided down black and white, and it actually wasn't like that in 1971 Alexandria." In a Washington Mail service article, Bill Yoast'due south friend Patrick Welsh commented on the movie's position, "My friend Pecker Yoast ... told me Disney had taken liberties with the facts, suggesting an overheated atmosphere of racial animosities and fears at the schoolhouse and in the community that but hadn't existed." Yet, it was clear that the Titans championship run did help the community to farther come together.
Earlier the first game, Herman Boone (Denzel Washington) tells his players, "Like all the other schools in this conference, they're all white. They don't have to worry near race. We do."
In reality, all of the other schools that the Titans faced during the 1971 flavour were integrated schools.
Did Passenger vehicle Herman Boone really toss a banana to rival Omnibus Tyrell at the end of a game?
No. This scene was fictionalized for the movie, as was Charabanc Tyrell (Brett Rice).
The existent Bus Herman Boone (left) and Denzel Washington (right) in the movie.
Did a plot actually exist with the referees to ensure that the Titans would lose a game?
No. In the moving-picture show Retrieve the Titans, we see Coach Yoast (Volition Patton) confront a kleptomaniacal referee, telling him to call the game fairly or else he'll betrayal the whole plot to brand the Titans lose the game, resulting in the firing of Motorcoach Boone. Coach Yoast too tells the ref that he'll personally see to it that the ref never works again. This incident never really happened. The real Bus Herman Boone referred to it in the DVD Commentary by saying, "We got our share of bad calls, and I'm not sure, to this day, that some of it was not racism," Boone says. "But it was non as overt as appears in the moving-picture show."
Is the role in the motion picture about Coach Nib Yoast not making the Virginia High School Hall of Fame true?
No. There was no Virginia High Schoolhouse Hall of Fame in 1971, although it does be today. The real Coach Bill Yoast (left) and actor Will Patton (right) in the film.
Was Coach Yoast'due south daughter Sheryl really a football fanatic similar she was portrayed to be in the picture show?
Sheryl wasn't as securely intense about football game every bit the film depicts. "She was non quite the football fanatic they show here," says father Bill Yoast. "(But) she was at all the ballgames, watched them and ... was always the first on the field after the ballgame." -Remember the Titans DVD Commentary
Did Coach Yoast'south daughter Sheryl really go over to Autobus Boone's house to play with his daughter?
No. In the pic we encounter Neb Yoast take his daughter Sheryl Yoast to Herman Boone'south house to play with Boone'due south daughter. Sheryl ends up watching game films with Boone instead. In reality, this never happened. Boone said the post-obit on the Call up the Titans DVD commentary, "Sheryl never visited my home. I wish she had spent any time with my children. Unfortunately, that didn't happen."
In real life, was Sheryl Yoast really an just child who lived with her father?
No. Dissimilar in the film, the real Sheryl Yoast had three sisters and she lived with her mother. Bill Yoast did convey to producer Jerry Bruckheimer that he wasn't happy almost this. "I said, 'I have four daughters. I don't like to look like I only take ane daughter,'" says Yoast of his conversation with Bruckheimer. Sheryl'southward 3 sisters, nonetheless, were okay with the storyline, which was office of the reason it made it into the film ( In 1996, the real Sheryl Yoast passed away from a center status that had gone undetected for years. She was non alive when the movie was made.
Did the racial incident in the restaurant actually happen?
No. In the film we encounter Petey Jones (Donald Faison) and Ronnie Bass (Kip Pardue) enter a restaurant where they are refused service. Equally reported on the '71 Titans Web Site, this did not actually happen. Even though the mental attitude portrayed by the restaurant may have been similar to existing establishments in the U.s.a. at that fourth dimension, this scene was a fictional device created to assist emphasize the racial tension in the movie'south storyline.
Purchase the Movie starring Denzel Washington equally Titans Motorbus Herman Boone.
Did someone actually throw a brick through Coach Herman Boone'south window?
No, it was really much worse than a brick. It was a toilet commode. Boone spoke virtually this durning the Remember the Titans DVD commentary, "At that place wasn't a brick thrown through my window," Herman Boone says. "It was something far more than devastating to any human being than a brick could be. I guess Disney, being the family flick production company that it is, felt that to depict a toilet stool coming through your window was a scrap much ... I've never gotten over that incident that particular night, considering I could never empathize how anybody could experience so bad virtually another human being as to throw a toilet commode through a window."
After his business firm was vandalized, did Herman Boone really get his gun?
No. The real Herman Boone did not own a gun.
Did the T.C. Williams Titans ever trip the light fantastic on the field during warm-ups like in the movie?
No. The Titans never did a song and dance routine on the field during warm-ups.
Were the Titans often the underdogs, as the motion picture implies?
No. In fact, past the end of the 1971 flavour (including playoffs) the T.C. Williams Titans were xiii-0 and ranked 2d in the nation. They dominated almost every game that they played, shutting out their opponents in ix of their xiii games and outscoring them by a margin of 338-38. The championship game was a blowout likewise, different what nosotros see in the film. Below is the Titans 1971 schedule showing the scores of each game.
1971 Titans Schedule: T.C. xix HERNDON 0 T.C. 25 YORKTOWN 0 T.C. 26 HAYFIELD 7 T.C. 25 JEFFERSON 0 T.C. 21 MARSHALL 16 T.C. 29 GROVETON 0 T.C. 34 MADISON 0 T.C. 34 Westward & L 0 T.C. 27 WAKEFIELD 0 T.C. 26 IRETON ( BI ) viii Playoffs T.C. 28 ANNANDALE 0 T.C. 36 WOODROW WILSON fourteen T.C. 27 ANDREW LEWIS 0
Was Gerry Bertier really paralyzed in a car accident before the championship game?
In real life, Gerry Bertier was paralyzed in a car accident, but it happened later the flavor concluded, after the Titans had already played the championship game. On December 11, 1971, Gerry was coming home from the T.C Williams High School football feast, where he had been honored with the Well-nigh Valuable Defensive Player Award. After stopping at a local fast-food eating place and dropping off some friends, Gerry connected dwelling house in his female parent'due south new Camaro. Just half-dozen blocks abroad from his house, the automobile went out of control hitting both a burn hydrant and a flashing school sign, the latter of which sent the motorcar trigger-happy across the route into a ditch ( It was later determined that the accident had been caused by a mechanical failure in the motor mount of the Camaro'due south engine ('71 Titans Website).
Did Gerry really tell the nurse, "He [Julius] is my brother, don't you run across the family resemblance?" then that Julius could stay and visit him in intensive care?
As stated on the '71 Titans website, many of the players were stopped by the nurses at the desk on the flooring of the intensive intendance unit. They all replied that they were firsthand family, non just Julius Campbell. (Jitney Boone, Brad Smith, and Julius Campbell visit Bertier - Meet Photograph)
How good of a football actor was Gerry Bertier?
As a nationally ranked defensive player, Gerry Betier was Alexandria's beginning high schoolhouse All-American football player. Following the 1971 season, he received accolades which included First Team All-Region, All-State, and All-American honors as well as beingness named the Alexandria Sportsman's Club Football game Role player of the Year. He had been approached by elite higher football game powerhouses, such as Notre Dame and Alabama. Many believe that the moving picture Remember the Titans failed to accurately draw the truthful significance of his talent.
The real Gerry Bertier (left) and actor Ryan Hurst (right) in the moving-picture show.
How did Gerry Bertier deal with the fact that he was paralyzed?
"Yous attain everything y'all ever wanted, so information technology all gets cut downwardly in i night," Bertier said in an early on 1970s' Washington Star article. "Information technology's actually hard for y'all or I to actually believe we could be paralyzed. Y'all say, 'Well, I've got an all-star game to play.' I idea I'd be out the next week." After his accident, Gerry confided in Coach Bill Yoast, while keeping up a strong front for his family and friends. "It took him two years to have the fact from the time of the accident that he would be crippled for life," said Yoast, who remained a close friend of Gerry's, coaching him to a gold medal in shot-put at the Wheelchair Olympics.
Did the real Gerry Bertier really dice 10 years subsequently the '71 season?
The real Gerry Bertier in the decade following the blow.
Yeah. This part of the movie Retrieve the Titans is true. On his way home from a business trip on March 20, 1981, Gerry Bertier'south 1980 Oldsmobile was struck by a drunk driver who crossed over the heart line. Bertier was pronounced dead ii hours subsequently at the University of Virginia Infirmary. Like in the film, many of the 1971 Titan players and coaches attended Gerry'due south funeral. At the time of his expiry, Gerry had been working every bit a sales director for Abbey Medical, a company that manufactured walking braces for the handicapped. He had likewise been attending Northern Virginia Customs College where he had been working toward a caste in business. The residuum of his fourth dimension had been spent traveling the state speaking on behalf of the President'due south Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. Gerry strived to assistance make the globe attainable to the disabled. -Washington Star
Triumph Over Tragedy - By Jean Bertier
Gerry Bertier was paralyzed later on the 1971 highschool football season, but his life was far from over. Here, Gerry'southward mom Jean Bertier recounts her son's accident, his recovery, and the inspiration that he was to her then many others. (Be certain to visit the Gerry Bertier Foundation web site at to acquire more than near Gerry and to discover how you tin can contribute to spinal cord injury inquiry)
Read "Triumph Over Tragedy" past Jean Bertier
Watch the Remember the Titans Flick Trailer:
Link-to-Larn More:
- 1971 Original Titans - Official Web Site of the '71 T.C. Williams Titans
- Gerry Bertier Foundation Website
- The Titan Foundation Scholarship Fund
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